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Providing Tools for a Productive Workplace

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Sheila WilkinsSheila Wilkins' speaking programs are tailored for conference presentations, seminars, workshops, and for full and half day training sessions. Her speaking programs can be customized to meet individual client's needs.

How to Get Long-Term Performance From a Temporary Workforce

The contingent workforce has become a strong presence in the workplace. Managers and employees need to shift their thinking about the temporary worker, whose business output is long-term, and often permanent. Participants will get several important strategies, including:

4 job aids to get workers started
A specific framework for setting performance expectations
Performance tools for managing projects and contingent workers

"I've just become a manager of a group of contract workers. The tools I received from this presentation will help me set my workers up for success. The checklists also help me know what my responsibilities are."

- Jennie Brown
Vice President and Manager Barclays Global Investments International


How to Manage Yourself Through Organizational Change and Transition

Incessant organizational change is the norm in corporations today. Having a personal plan to manage yourself through the confusion, new management, and new expectations is critical to your well-being and personal productivity. Participants will receive:

12 tips for managing yourself through organizational change
4 thought-provoking questions for a healthy inquiry
3 ways to find personal purpose and meaning through organizational shifts


"We've had nothing but change, change, change for the last two years. Our productivity is really bad because we're all worried about losing our jobs. Learning how to manage change at the personal level gave me good ideas for a plan so I can feel some semblance of control over my career."

-Yoshio Takamura
Vice President
Sumitomo Bank of California


How to transform a work group into a team

Teamwork is one approach for achieving the organization's targeted business results. Teamwork also provides employees the opportunity to make a contribution and develop their skills and abilities, while tapping into their creativity.

Participants will learn:
How to transform a group into a team
How to build an effective team
The characteristics of an effective team


"My team is a group of stars, not a star team. Everyone wants to shine individually. The workshop tools gave all us of us good tips on how to work more effectively together."

-Mary Jane Smith
Team Facilitator
Axis Technologies


Effective Meeting Management

Work groups have a strong capacity for problem solving, decision making and planning.

The primary purpose for meetings is to gather work group members together, engage their minds in processing information to:
Solve problems
Make decisions

All meetings have specific outputs:
Achieve a superior quality of thinking and understanding
Engage different minds in a variety of perspectives
Yield a product in the form of coherent analyses, solutions, decisions and plans

Participants will:
Learn the secrets of productive meeting management

The workshop will provide specific meeting management tools an techniques so your meetings will immediately become productive and results-oriented.


Recent speaking engagements

  • "Leading on Purpose. Practical Approaches to Targeted Leadership." Presented to the International Society for Performance Improvement. 2003 Annual Conference
  • " The Real Culture Shock: How Culture Impacts Organizational Strategy." Presented to the International Society for Performance Improvement. 2002 Annual Conference
  • " Improve Performance. Yours. Your Clients'." Presented to the International Society for Performance Improvement. 2001 Annual Conference
  • "Take Charge! Don't be a Victim! Manage Yourself Through Organizational Change." Presented to the International Federation of Training and Development Organizations. 2001 Annual Conference in Brazil, South America



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