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The Wilkins Group
Providing Tools for a Productive Workplace
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Team Development
Tap into your team's potential by helping them work more effectively together and more collaboratively with others. We start with the basics, helping a team define its purpose, goals, roles, and responsibilities. The next step is to develop a strategic plan with set tactics, milestones, and plans to monitor progress. Meetings will become more productive with action-driven agendas and ground rules for how communication is handled and conflicts resolved. Teams will foster relationships with other business units or work groups so they can efficiently pursue common business goals.


Management Coaching

Management Coaching
Help your mid- and senior-level managers achieve peak performance. Managers will learn to function in new situations, such as self-directed work teams or merging companies, particularly those involved in diverse cultures. By understanding their collegial roles - and being a role model for valued behaviors - managers can positively influence change, increase their effectiveness, and ultimately their value to the business.


Meeting Facilitation
Ensure productive meetings focused on set goals. In addition to developing agendas targeted to specific objectives and outcomes, we can act as roving advisors, encouraging all employees to participate. While you focus on the meeting's content, we use quality tools to help with the team problem-solving process, manage meeting dynamics, and make sure you stay on track.

Instructional Design and Delivery
Maximize productivity by ensuring your team receives training that's engaging, meaningful, and related to successfully completing their jobs. We develop workshops and courses that provide your team with the information they need to know, when they need to know it, packaged in a way that focuses their attention and energy on the job. After developing the course plan and materials, we also deliver training on-site, customizing sessions to respond to participant needs.






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