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Providing Tools for a Productive Workplace

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Inscape Publishing is well known for its self directed assessments. The research-based self-assessments provide a framework for people to learn about themselves and others in a comfortable, non-threatening way. The self-assessment tools take complex human behavior issues, simplify and personalize them so individuals can discover and capitalize on their strengths, understand and value their differences, and work together effectively.

Along with a wide range of self-assessments, Inscape Publishing offers facilitator kits that trainers can use to administer the profiles and programs in facilitated sessions.

Sheila Wilkins is an authorized distributor of Inscape Publishing's self assessment tools. You can purchase the instruments and facilitator kits by contacting her at 925-937-6055 or at

DISC Classic®
DISC Classic® (Personal Profile System) is a multi-level learning instrument that helps individuals assess to what degree they use each dimension of behavior in a situation. The instrument then provides feedback designed to help people in your organization:

build productive work teams
develop effective managers
train a powerful sales force
improve customer service
ease frustration and conflict


Dimensions of Leadership Profile®
The Dimensions of Leadership Profile® allows learners to explore leadership from one of three points of view:

how you want to lead
what kind of a leader you what to follow
what dimensions of leadership are needed in your organization

The profile then guides leaders in their personal assessment of four broad aspects of leadership: Character, Analysis, Accomplishment and Interaction.



Work expectations Profile®
Work expectations are those things people consider likely to happen in their job situation, either now or in the future. Whether spoken or unspoken, met or unmet, expectations have a powerful impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, and play a key role in driving our attitudes. The Work Expectations Profile® helps people explore 10 work expectations that impact today's employment relationships.

Recognition Teamwork
Autonomy Structure
Expression Environment
Career Growth Balance
Diversity Stability

Research shows that people who have clearly defined, well-communicated expectations find more satisfaction and success in their work than people whose expectations go unspoken or unrealized. Companies that employ satisfied, successful people reap the rewards of increased productivity and reduced turnover.

Team Dimension Profile®
Successful team members don't do the same thing at the same time. They do the right thing at the right time. While team members work together toward a common goal, individuals still must play their individual roles in the process. As organizations rely more and more on teams to innovate, problem solve, produce, and compete at the speed of change, they must clearly understand and capitalize on individual approaches to group processes if they want to create high performing teams.

The Team Dimensions Profile® helps teams in your organization:

Identify individual strengths and approaches to teamwork
Clarify team members' roles
Reinforce the contributions of every team member
Reduce project cycle time and increase productivity


Personal Listening Profile®
Good communication is one of the most valued skills in the workplace. Effective listening is crucial to communicating productively inside the organization and meeting the competitive challenges outside the organization. The Personal Listening Profile® helps people become active, purposeful listeners in a wide variety of situations for more productive communication. The profile describes five listening approaches:



Coping & Stress Profile®
The Coping & Stress Profile® is a unique learning instrument that connects stress and coping in four life areas: personal, work, couple and family. Learners gain important insights into how stress in one area impacts other areas, how coping resources in one area impacts other areas, how coping resources in one area can be used to decrease stress in another.

The Coping and Stress Profile® helps people in organizations:

Discover individual stress issues in each life area
Capitalize on coping strengths to manage stress
Learn to minimize or eliminate common, daily stressors
Identify areas for coping skills improvement


Time Mastery Profile®
Setting priorities and managing time effectively is basic to managing individual and organizational performance. The pressure to find innovative ways to achieve goals, pay attention to the competition, respond quickly to customer needs, and enjoy life outside work is even more intense in today's less structured, information-driven workplace.

The Time Mastery Profile® is a unique tool that provides people with a complete. self-directed assessment of their current time management effectiveness. Learners then use the built-in workbook as a framework to develop customized strategies for skills improvement in twelve key areas:

Attitudes Interruptions
Goals Meetings
Priorities Written communications
Analyzing Delegation
Planning Procrastination
Scheduling Team time


Discovering Diversity Profile®
Leading organizations acknowledge that working successfully with others who don't share the same background, beliefs or traditions is a top priority in today's workplace. Employees need help in assessing their behavior toward people who are different from themselves. They must understand the benefits of changing negative attitudes and resistance into appreciation and cooperation.

The Discovering Diversity Profile® provides an effective tool to help employees explore diversity in the following areas:


Personal Learning Insights Profile®
Organizations know they must encourage and support effective, life long learning at all levels of the organization if they are to be successful long term. The Personal Learning Insights Profile®
is designed to help people identify and understand how they experience, process, organize, store, and retrieve information.

The Personal Learning Insights Profile® is effective for capitalizing on learning opportunities across a wide variety of applications:

Personal and career development
Coaching and mentoring
Management and leadership development
Performance Improvement
Communication skills
Group facilitation skills

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